At a certain point in life, many, like myself, start to look more at the concept of purpose. The first half of life it seems much like the focus is on building. Building a family, building business, building wealth, etc. But then you get to a new point in life, like Bob Buford would reference in his book “Half Time”. It’s almost like a recalibration, but from here the focus for the second half of life is more purpose, impact and further growth, with a focus more on significance rather than substance. See in your younger years you are looking at getting the stuff, the house, the car so on and so forth, but then strangely, for me and maybe not everyone but certainly many others, you start to think about what am I going to leave, what am I going to give to others before I leave this place and hopefully move on to the holy promised land.
I am a life-long learner and believe that no matter where we are in life, you can always improve and grow. I want to live out my purpose and going forward in life I want to help inspire others and provide them whatever information and experience I can to help them along their journey through life. But not just to scrape by in life, rather to excel and to continue to grow and improve every single day.